Andrew Mitchell Davenport Andrew Mitchell Davenport

Getting Word

An oral history project deepens our understanding of U.S. history by sharing accounts of the community descended from people enslaved by Thomas Jefferson.

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Andrew Mitchell Davenport Andrew Mitchell Davenport

Jean Toomer

Toomer is one of American literature’s greatest enigmas and “Cane” one of our finest texts. What Toomer bore witness to in “Cane” is America’s waking nightmare. “Cane” is our living inheritance.

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Andrew Mitchell Davenport Andrew Mitchell Davenport

Michel-Rolph Trouillot

Trouillot had no truck for the trivialization of history. “We are never as steeped in history as when we pretend not to be,” Trouillot writes.

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Andrew Mitchell Davenport Andrew Mitchell Davenport

“Long Past Slavery”

Catherine Stewart’s exemplary “Long Past Slavery” is a lodestar to follow as historians read and reread the polyvocal Slave Narrative Collection to learn more about slavery, its legacies, and the pasts of the present.

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Andrew Mitchell Davenport Andrew Mitchell Davenport

The Carceral State

We must cease casting fellow Americans as internal enemies.

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Andrew Mitchell Davenport Andrew Mitchell Davenport

America Dreaming

Americans have a penchant for selective memory. This forgetfulness imperils our future.

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